National Metro and Mini Show

National Metro and Mini Show

This is the main event of the year for owners of Metros, classic Minis and modern MINIs to come together. We welcome hundreds of these popular cars every year to make a fantastic display outside the Museum. We even have a chance for you to get competitive with competitions and awards such as a concours and Show’n’Shine to enter.
Our show is well-received by families too! If you, your parents or grandparents owned a Mini or Metro, the displays are sure to bring back a sense of nostalgia. Head to the Junction 12 Café for hot meals, sweet treats and refreshments or enjoy ice creams and burgers outside.

Tickets for the show include entry to the Museum and Collections Centre, giving you the chance to see over 350 more cars from our fabulous collection. Inside, you will find some of the historically important milestone vehicles such as the last Rover 100 produced, signed by almost 1200 people involved in Metro production. Also there will be the very first Mini ‘621 AOK’, the very last classic Mini produced at Longbridge ‘X411 JOP’ and the Monte Carlo Rally winning Minis of 1964, 1965 and 1967 for you to see.

Don’t take our word for it, recent visitors said:

– “Great show overall in difficult circumstances. Well done to all involved!”
– “Great day, well worth the entrance fee.”
– “Show and museum was excellent as always and as I travel so far it is always nice to be able to camp and have a relaxing weekend.”




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