We are determined to deliver the Festival in 2021 and have set a New date of 10th 11th & 12th September 2021. https://www.vintagenostalgiafestival.co.uk/
Following the recent announcement of the road map back to normality by the government. The Vintage Nostalgia Festival team has taken the decision to deliver our event in September when the adult population has been vaccinated and restrictions have been lifted or at a minimum.
Set in the beautiful countryside of Stockton Park, Wiltshire, VNF is a fun filled Nostalgic weekend of Live Music, dance, vintage & antique shopping, classic cars, automobilia, childrens entertainment, and so much more! You simply must not miss it! You can visit for the day on the 10th, 11th & 12th Sept 2021 or stay for the whole weekend camping from the 9th Sept. (camping is subject to availability)
1000’s of vintage enthusiasts and classic car owners will be in attendance and there will be 100’s of cars on display over the weekend from the 1920’s to the 1980’s. To get a flavour of the festival go to www.vintagenostalgiafestival.co.uk or visit our face book, Instagram or twitter pages.